Our Advocacy
The University of Toronto Government Relations Office advocates for the University with local, provincial and federal governments. We partner with community and industry groups in many areas, from employment and productivity, to urban policy.
The Government Relations Office has submitted, contributed, or convened stakeholders to produce the following key documents and position papers:
The University of Toronto is Canada’s largest and most highly ranked university. It hosts over 97,000 students and employs more than 24,000 faculty, staff, and researchers. With an operating budget of $3.36B annually and over $1.4B in research revenue, the University is unique in its combination o...
A new initiative in the life sciences, with membership from Ontario universities, the health care sector and industry, has been developed to harness the collective power of Ontario’s growing life sciences ecosystem. The Ontario Life Sciences Collaborative launched a report this week (May 15...
Industry-academic partnerships in the life and health sciences are a valuable avenue for testing markets and retaining advanced talent in Canada, a recent forum held at the University of Toronto heard. Attended by participants from research organizations, government and the private sector, the...
Canada can leverage the strengths of quantum hubs across the country to compete in the growing global race to develop quantum technologies and applications, a new report argues.