Our Advocacy

The University of Toronto Government Relations Office advocates for the University with local, provincial and federal governments. We partner with community and industry groups in many areas, from employment and productivity, to urban policy.

The Government Relations Office has submitted, contributed, or convened stakeholders to produce the following key documents and position papers:

New investments in the Toronto High Containment Facility will help train the health-care workforce of tomorrow, enhance the life sciences ecosystem in Ontario and protect the health care of all.

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought into focus the importance of strong domestic industrial capabilities needed to respond to public health crises. This includes the capacity to enable talent development, support life science scaleups, and accelerate the translation of academic research into advanced ...

To meet its ambitious pledge to reach net zero by 2050, Canada depends on innovation that will shift energy sources from fossil fuel-based to zero-carbon, a determined and skilled workforce and a public policy and regulatory framework that enables widescale transformation.

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