Mass vaccination clinic at U of T Mississauga closes after over 335,000 doses
The final dose has been administered at one of Peel region’s first mass vaccination clinics, marking yet another milestone in the collaborative effort to end the COVID-19 pandemic.
As vaccination rates continue to rise across Peel and community-based vaccine clinic options become more easily accessible, Trillium Health Partners (THP) and U of T Mississauga has closed the clinic that was located at U of T Mississauga’s Recreation, Athletics, & Wellness Centre.
Feelings of pride took centre stage as the clinic prepared to close July 27. At a morning huddle with clinic staff, senior leadership from THP and U of T Mississauga thanked everyone who had volunteered to serve at the clinic since it first opened in March.
“At the peak of the pandemic, we put out a call for help and hundreds of you responded,” said Simone Harrington, THP’s vaccine program lead. “I’m grateful to each and every one of you for answering this call.”
“For months, we’ve fought this together,” added Dr. Maithy Tran, site clinic lead. “It’s now time for us to step back. We’ve all done a great job and can be proud of what we’ve accomplished for the community.”
Read more (Patricia Lonergan)