Our Advocacy

The University of Toronto Government Relations Office advocates for the University with local, provincial and federal governments. We partner with community and industry groups in many areas, from employment and productivity, to urban policy.

The Government Relations Office has submitted, contributed, or convened stakeholders to produce the following key documents and position papers:

I am writing to raise a concern with the Staff Report to Council on the HousingTO 2020-2030 Action Plan. The Action Plan proposes thoughtful solutions to address the housing challenges facing recent immigrants, seniors, and women. However, the availability and affordability challenges faced by stude...

The University of Toronto has over 90,000 students at campuses in downtown Toronto, Scarborough, and Mississauga and is internationally recognized as Canada’s leading university. In purely economic terms, the University has a $15 billion economic impact on Ontario. Beyond that, the research and te...

The University of Toronto's 2019 Pre-Budget Submission to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance.

Providing effective support for mental health challenges is one of the most pressing issues on post-secondary campuses today.

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